Saturday, 1 March 2014

The Scottish Alps

This is a collection of photos from today when I traversed one of Scotland's most spectacular ridges, The Aonach Eagach. So I got up early, found I was the first on the ridge after a whole dumping of fresh snow with a few only hours weather window during the morning to snatch an ascent. Rather than write a load of stuff about what happened here are some photos!

The early rays of morning light up the depths of Glen Coe

Looking down the Aonach Eagach from Am Bodach through the gloom

Looking back up at decent down Am Bodach (fence post for scale)

The start of "The Pinnacles" from Meal Dearg

Its a long way down!

After one of the difficult pinnacle steps, looking back up Glen Coe

One of the many narrow sections of the ridge, lots of air beneath your feet!

Solitude and untrodden snow and even some sunshine

Looking west towards Stob Corie Laith

Almost Alpine.
The crux chimney with Stob Corie Laith beyond

Looking up the steep, buried chimney. Perfect snow! 

Looking east along the ridge. The tiny dots are the people who should have
got up earlier!

The Aonach Eagach with Ranoch Moor beyond

Still breaking trail, still empty west of Stob Corie Laith

Looking back along the frozen ridge

Proof that the sun does shine in Scotland on a Saturday

The view from The Pap of Glencoe, not quite as snowy but a great
end to a great day