Auchinstarry Quarry is quickly becoming one of my most
favourite crags in the central belt. This trip I managed to do a route I’ve
been eyeing for a while now. Walk on the
Wild Side (HVS 5a) climbs straight up the middle of a large slab hidden in
a more quiet part of the quarry. The line itself starts just right of Trundle
(which is a wicked VS 4c) and aims for a faint crack at about 10m then follows
it to the top. The gear is small and so are the holds, so it’s surprisingly absorbing
for route only 20(ish) meters long. Perhaps one of the best slab climbs I’ve
done and if it were at a nicer crag would almost certainly be a well-known regional
Looking down onto the top of the slab with the pond just beyond (Taken by a passer by) |
Fran floating up the final crackline |